Job Description
- Experience in Oracle-engineered system,
ideally PCA (Private Cloud Appliance)
- Must have 7-12 years of experience in
- The candidates must have a vast knowledge of
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) testing and migration.
- Specialism in Oracle Linux system
administration support, but not limited to storage -
assess/increase/modify, and alerting mechanism.
- Experience in OS 7. X upgrade.
- The candidate must provide general support
and know about firmware upgrades.
- Knowledge of OVM (Oracle Virtual Machine
- Should know to migrate portal to HTTPS.
- OS patching The ideal candidate must create
a brilliant repository for critical security updates and execute updates.
- Create a standard work and tracker.
- Core ethos in AD integration for OS
authentication instead of local authentication.
- UCS Managment, UCS profile management.